October Success StoriesHere is the list of students who got their sites live in October 2020!

Elizabeth Bernstein
Theme: Hestia Pro

Margaret Martin
Theme: Spacious Pro

Christine Gjersoe
Theme: Ashe

Cindy Sullivan
Theme: Divi

Philip Sinclair
Theme: Divi


Students Who Went Live in October 2020

Christina Hills

Christina Hills is a teacher/trainer/mentor when it comes to building an online business. Are you ready for a website that’s easy to create, that YOU have control over, that releases you from the grips of your webmaster and is a magnet for search engines? Now you can have it all! Simply join Internet Marketing expert Christina Hills in a hands-on, Virtual Website Creation Workshop that shows you step-by-step exactly how to build your website from the ground up using WordPress with the support of Christina & her professional team! - See more at: http://www.websitecreationworkshop.com/blog/about-christina-hills/#sthash.t0Cctnyq.dpuf

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