About the WCW Club:

The purpose of the Website Creation Workshop Club (WCW Club) is to empower you to continue build your very own, beautiful WordPress website using the videos and resources of the Website Creation Workshop.  In the WCW club, we coach you to and get your website live on your own hosting and to empower you to find your own answers to the questions you have. 

As the saying goes, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.  The goal of the WCW Club is to continue to teach YOU how to ‘fish’.

In the WCW Club we offer continued support and coaching while you are on your journey of building your WordPress website by continuing to go through the modules in the Website Creation Workshop. We provide group coaching webinar support on the 3 times a month. On these Q&A webinars we will give you feedback on your student project on the monthly website feedback webinar.  You can also join the private, active Facebook group to connect and interact with the other members, provide/get support, share information, and have fun!

Any questions? Check out our FAQ page: https://www.wcwclub.com/faq/


About this website:

This  WCW Club website is built using the free Spacious Theme.
The grid layout is made using the free “The Post Grid” plugin.
The button below is made using the free “Max Buttons” plugin.


All of Christina Hills Programs

If you’re a member of the Website Creation Workshop, go here:

If you’re a member of the Website Marketing Workshop, go here:

If you’re a member of the Create Your Course program, go here:

If you’re a member of the Graphics Creation Workshop, go here:

If you’re a member of the Website Security Now course, go here:

If you want to learn how to get access to these other programs, please email support@websitecreationworkshop.com and you can learn more here: https://websitecreationworkshop.com/programs/


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